It’s Premiere day! It’s finally time to listen to episode 1 of The Girl with the Same Name. We could not be more honored to begin this journey with all of you. This season we will dive deep into the story of Jamie Stickle’s life and share stories from her family, friends, and community. As many put it, Jamie was “Pittsburgh royalty.” She was a vivacious, demonstrative, all-loving woman. Jamie never met a stranger. She led with her heart. She was generous to a fault. Jamie possessed the qualities we’d all like to find in a friend.
When Jamie was brutally killed it left a deep scar that only darkened overtime. A palpable fear silenced the community for two decades. Fear of mafia, violence, retaliation, and the unknown. The people of Pittsburgh are built strong, so when we tell you there is fear, it should resonate. And Jamie was tough—a tomboy, an athlete, a fighter—if someone was able to get to her this way, what did it mean for others?
After one late evening phone call, Jason and I both felt the weight of the fear Jamie’s community had felt for so long. We spent the next 12 hours asking ourselves if it was safe enough for us to even tell this story. To unravel the web that had eaten away at so many for so long. And as cliché as it sounds, I honestly looked at Jason and said, “What would Jamie do?”
So, after a year, over 170 hours of interviews and counting, and a community that has rallied behind us the way Jamie used to for them—we’re here. We’re going to tell you the story of Jamie Stickle. You’re going to have opinions, thoughts, ideas and we want you to, we promise. Also understand this is an ongoing story and investigation, so we may end up with new information that contradicts what we thought we knew. That can happen. We will be honest and transparent. And we ask you to listen to all the details and facts. You’ll want to discuss what you hear and we’ll listen. But take care of what you say. People are mourning Jamie’s loss, and sensitivity is required.
The podcast is hosted on Spotify, and is available for streaming on all major podcasting platforms, including (but not limited to): Apple Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Youtube, Castbox, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, and Spreaker. Please make sure you subscribe, and if you're inclined, leaving a good review will really help us spread the word.
Be sure to reach out after you listen today. Leave us a comment. Follow and chat on Instagram and Facebook. We’ll talk to you all soon!